Rootiest Solutions
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Rootiest Dev Services:

Rootiest Search

Privacy-respecting search engine that pulls from multiple search providers.

Rootiest Paste Bin

Account-less paste bin that allows for syntax highlighting and password protection.

Rootiest URL Shortener

Generate short URLs with customization and statistics. Privacy-respecting and ad-free.

Rootiest Image Conversion

Convert images to different formats and compress them using modern formats.

Rootiest Document Storage

Scan and store documents in a secure, encrypted, and searchable database.

Rootiest Photo Library

Store and organize photos in a secure, private, and searchable library with ML features.

Rootiest Book Library

Store and organize ebooks and audiobooks with on/offline playback and page tracking.

Rootiest Secure Office

Collaborate on documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and more in a secure environment with E2EE.

Rootiest Cloud Storage

Store and organize files on a private NextCloud instance.

Rootiest Password Vault

Store and organize passwords in a secure, encrypted, and searchable database with autofill, TOTP, and more.

Rootiest Notes Service

Quickly take and share notes and memos with a secure, private host.

Rootiest Scratchpad

Take quick notes that never leave your local system. Text is stored in browser cache.

Rootiest AI ChatBot

Web app for accessing various AI ChatBot services. Supports a variety of Text and Vision APIs.

Rootiest Media Streaming

Rootiest media streaming service with a massive library of media available for members.

Rootiest Matrix Server

An open network for secure, decentralised communication provided by Rootiest Solutions.

Rootiest IRC Lounge

Chat with other Rootiest users in a private IRC server.

Rootiest Speed Test

Test the quality of your connection to the Rootiest network.

Rootiest Wallet

Track your financial accounts and spending habits.

Rootiest Budget Tracking

Track your income and expenses and manage your budget on a privately-managed server.

Rootiest Time Tracking

Track your time and manage your projects using Rootiest servers.

Rootiest Firefox Sync

Sync your Firefox browser data using Rootiest servers instead of Mozilla's.